Off The Lab

as Artist in Residency

Mar 2019 - Nov 2019

I was a key contributor within a diverse group of seven artists, presenting our joint works at EMMA in autumn 2019. Our multidisciplinary team, composed of both Finnish and non-Finnish artists, nested an environment of experimentation. I personally crafted conceptual pieces, blending video, electronically-operated wood machines, and noise generators, utilizing Arduino and Processing.

Collaborative residence:
Natalia Castrillón, Harpist
Majella Clarke, Conductor and Experimental Music Artist
Tiago Martins Pinto (me), Community Artist
Anna Olkinuora, Actor and Performance Artist
Sade Risku, Dancer and Choreographer
Camila Rosa, Performance Artist and Media Educator
Laura Sariola, Scenographer

More info here:
Pictures by: Leandro Lefa


STEAM Education


Eating Together