
as Visual Designer and Editor

Feb 2022 - Feb 2022

Produced and edited a video for the "Työhuoneella" exhibition at Seinäjoen taidehalli, showcasing the collaborative creative processes of four artists across different disciplines. The video captured a unique session and reading drama, offering viewers a glimpse into the artists' studios and their artistic creation.
The project was part of the "Taidehalli välittää" program, aimed at community, collaboration, and experimental art within Seinäjoki.
Also, as part of the process, the documentation of the exhibition SWAP at Gallery Oksasenkatu 11 (Helsinki).

Commissioned by:
Rea-Liina Brunou, choreographer
Pauliina Haasjoki, poet
Anne Naukkarinen, visual and performance artist
Piia Rinne, costume and visual designer

More info here: https://www.seinajoentaidehalli.fi/tyohuoneella-istunto-ja-lukudraama/
and here: https://oksasenkatu11.fi/rea-liina-brunou-pauliina-haasjoki-anne-naukkarinen-piia-rinne-swap-eng


Swappie PT Summer 2022


From The Dead Air Orgy